First Week of 2024: 75-90 Day Healing Journey

What's going on everyone?

I wanted to start writing down my thoughts about my new healing journey so that this may help someone in the future. This journey will be about 75-90 days long to promote healing within the body. I will be eating alkaline foods, fruits and vegetables, drinking teas and freshly squeezed fruit juices, and consuming herbs. 

As the first week of 2024 is coming to an end, I can honestly say I am full of happiness and fulfillment! I've been able to complete two 45-minute workouts daily, one indoors and one outdoors. Inside workouts entail either pilates or full body dumbell workouts. My outside workout consists of walking, which is one of the best exercises to do to help rebuild your nervous system. I drink 1 gallon of spring water daily, along with a cup or two of Plant water. I now create time in my schedule to read 10 pages of a book daily. Currently, I'm reading a book called "Power of Habit". This book is helping me understand why habits are created and how to reprogram the habit. I am expanding my knowledge and working on discipline. I am completing the 75 hard challenge, which consists of all of the above mentioned, along with no cheat meals or alcohol.

I also am challenging myself to follow a raw food diet 5 days a week. My raw food diet during the week consists of papayas, apples, and grapes for lunch.

fruit juice, Gala apples, Seeded Grapes, Grape Juice

For dinner, I eat lettuce, red onion, green/red peppers, tomatoes, cilantro, with a squeeze of key lime. 

During the weekend, I broke my fast by adding walnut meat on top of my salad. I also ate some oyster mushrooms and kale greens cooked in coconut milk. Every morning and evening I consumed 1 capsule of Bitter melon and Guinea hen weed in addition to 1 cup of plant water.

Bitter melon and Guinea hen weed

I will continue to update you as I work through this 75-90 day healing journey.

~Randi Dandi~

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